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About Martin Smith Plumber 24 Hours and Martin Smith.

About Martin Smith And Plumber 24 hours the National Plumbing Network Martin Smith is a local Plumber based in Warrington of Cheshire. Martin Smith's job title is as a fully Qualified Plumber who covers all local area's within 1 hour. Plumber 24 Hours is a National Plumbing Site which has been ranked No 1 throughout the UK. We are a Data Base Of 24 Hour Emergency Plumbers. Some Plumbers we pass work to respond within half an hour, where the average Plumber responds within the hour. The worst senario is that for example you live in the Highland and hard to reach areas where we can resource you a Plumber within a couple of hours.

I'm a 24 hour Plumber and want to sign up to Plumber 24 hours lf you would like to sign up with us, we may take a background check which you also need to pass us 3 customers that will give you a reference. We expect you to be friendly to customers, reliable at all times and most importantly is honest, as our reputation is mostly built on this. Please be free to fill in the form to the right of you.

I'm a customer and would like a reliable Plumber to visit me. We give you a choice on how to find a Plumber which is either a direct approach to the company or by calling us directly. Please note that all 24 hour contacts on this site listed are all independent Plumbers which have a free listing. As a large site you can call us directly if you are in need of an emergency call out as we have the experience of finding you an Emergency Plumber as quick as possible. This saves you making all the calls, as by calling Martin Smith we will have staff ready to answer any questions and make arrangements to organize a Plumber.

How big Is Martin Smith's site? At the moment we have over 2300 pages which are all based on local towns via the A-Z Directory. We are expanding all the time using the keywords Plumber 24 hours, 24 hour Plumber and Emergency Plumber. Our Biggest aim of this site is customer satisfaction.

How we make our money in 2011 Martin Smith Started passing jobs out to Engineers and once they finished the job, they would pay us a lead fee of either £15 or £20 depending whether the job was done in the day, weekends or even midnight calls. Our competitors would make a minimum of £70 which would make it even harder for us to compete when it comes to the market. So we have decided to make some changes for 2012 which explains how the new system will work.

About Martin Smith (plumbing24hours) Lead fees can be paid by the customer of £20 which will be paid for by the customer. This will be used as a deposit and also saves the engineer from making lead fee payments, and secures there booking. Alternatively the customer pays the Plumber and the Plumber pays the Lead fee on completion. How does this help the customer - This helps the customer to gain our trust when paying a deposit so they have piece of mind that the Plumber will come out. This also benefits the Plumber by knowing they are not coming out to a hoax or a job that will cancel when paying a deposit. Also as a National company we have a list of the most reliable Plumbers which saves you time in looking especially in an Emergency that is causing you alot of damage. However we can not guarantee them turning up all the time. For example; the engineer may break down on the journey, or for any other reason but we do our best in any case.

About Martin Smith - They are the sister company to Martin Smith, they are very similar to Martin Smith. The difference is where Martin Smith compete against the market and have more of a data base of engineers than Martin Smith expecially when it comes to the out of areas where the lead fee is alot more, but is paid for by the customer as a deposit. This then helps us to compete against our competiters, but at the same time is keeping the costs down for the customer. What the customer needs to understand is the cost of advertising to a job is estimated at £35 which seems alot but unfortunatly to be a competitive business this is what the costs are. The cost of the lead fee is the deposit payment.

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