Commercial Toilet
Ever thought how much time is wasted in work when using the toilet? Or is this just an excuse for a ciggie break in a commercial toilet?
Martin Smith remember's that when he was working in a factory for a couple of weeks and needing a break, using the toilet would result in the amount of hours that is deducted.
The point i am making is, why should someone who has more of a depressing and harder job have there time deducted to someone who is in an office drinking tea and taking phone calls all day?
Well the office to the right of you in the picture had a solution to this and installed a toilet, so your never away from your desk! Why did'nt we all think of that one? Martin Smith thinks that if employers could then the work place will make you have a bucket next to you.
Well talk about buckets! What about the toilet roll? Dave came up with a great idea and suggested we get some commercial toilet roll!
Martin Smith say's to Dave, "What do you mean commercial toilet roll?
So Dave with his great ideas takes Martin Smith in to the spare room and says "There!!!"
"Great idea Dave, who came up with that one, was it baby David?"
"Nah it was all my idea" Martin Smith replies " Dave go and play with your game".
Dave likes games whilst sat on the toilet, but why has he gone mad all of a sudden over toilets?
I think Dave needs to get out and have some fresh air.
Dave avoided the Public Toilet.